• 2015-03-27

    The method of culturing and proliferating hematopoietic stem cells through co-cultivation with adult stem cells

    This patent pertains to the method of culturing and proliferating human hematopoietic and precursor cells. To be more specific, it relates to the method of culturing and proliferating human hematopoietic and precursor cells by separating mononuclear cells from at least one of human peripheral blood, bone marrow or cord blood for a monolayer cultivation process and co-cultivating the monolayer cultured mononuclear cells in the presence of adult stem cells.

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    • 2015-03-27

    Method of large-scale proliferation of follicular stem cells

    This patent pertains to the method of proliferating follicular stem cells at a high yield. To be more specific, it relates to the method of acquiring follicular stem cells in a large volume, using specific culture medium to which Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor is added at a designated concentration level, and the culture medium used in this method.

    The culture medium for follicular stem cells concerned can lead to the proliferation of follicular stem cells, separated from scalp tissue, in an adequate amount for clinical application so that the said follicular stem cells can be used as a cellular therapeutic agent for hair growth to treat alopecia (hair loss) and atrichia.

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    • 2015-03-27

    Cellular therapeutic agent containing human adipose-derived multi-potent stem cells and follicular cells

    This patent pertains to the cellular therapeutic agent for inducing hair growth that contains human adipose-derived multi-potent stem cells and follicular cells. To be more specific, it relates to the cellular therapeutic agent for inducing hair growth that contains human adipose-derived adult stem cells and scalp-derived follicular cells containing CD34-positive and/or –positive cells.

    The cellular therapeutic agent for inducing hair growth obtained according to this patent effectively leads to hair growth when applied in the presence of symptoms that arise in cases where hair follicles do not form properly such asalopecia (hair loss) and atrichia.

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    • 2015-03-27

    Hair growth promotion agent using autologous follicular cells and its composite product

    This patent concerns the cellular composite product with the function of promoting hair growth using scalp-derived cells with a positive or negative immunological response to CD34. To be more specific, it relates to the cellular composite product for hair growth promotion and hair loss and atrichia treatment agent, containing a certain amount of CD34-positive and –negative cells obtained by culturing the scale tissue outside the body.

    The cellular composite product for hair growth promotion obtained according to this patent is a new type of cellular therapeutic agent that is useful for hair growth promotion.

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